”Nimbus has hit the sweet spot with its new Nimbus T8. It has easy and safe walk around deck for socializing and all kind of water activities. A real life size cabin with separate toilet adds the comforts for the day and weekend trips. The Nimbus T8 is a joy to drive and is has a sparkling performance – it’s made for fun and action!”
Read more about the award here.

For more information
Jonas Göthberg | Niclas Augustin |
Commercial Director | Technical support & sales |
+46 70 535 58 28 | +46 70 720 13 14 | | |
Nimbus Boats Sweden AB manufacturer leisure boats for the European market. Our brands include Nimbus Boats and Paragon Yachts. Nimbus head office with its permanent exhibition and full service marina is located at the Royal Gothenburg Yacht Harbour in Gothenburg on the west coast of Sweden.